Will It All Work Out?

By Daniel Wolfsong

The transmission I have for you today is about navigating the New and Unknown.

I wanna take you someplace you maybe aren’t expecting, yet you’ll benefit from experiencing.

Let’s start with the big question:

How can you know if it’ll all work out—that big beautiful adventure that’s calling to you, and it feels like a risk (like all great adventures do)?

Well, there’s 2 sides to this, and they’re both important:

On one side, you can’t know. The outcome you want isn’t guaranteed.

On the other side, though… it absolutely will work out. Maybe in the way you want it to, maybe not… but whatever happens, something awesome and life-changing awaits you:

You’re gonna learn something about yourself… what you’re capable of… where your edges are… and what’s really possible for you.

And you might even learn something about what you really want.

I’ll tell ya, there’s nothing quite like achieving a big, hard-won goal and realizing it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Because you thought you wanted *the thing*, but what you really wanted was an inner experience that you thought *the thing* would bring you.

Think about what’s been stopping you from really going for it—or if you’re already “in it”, what’s got you riddled with confusion, fear, and anxiety:

The dreaded unknown.

The worry that you won’t have what it takes, or you won’t be OK.

The uncertainty of whether it’ll be worth what you’re investing into it.

Maybe even the grief of what you’re leaving behind.

And then consider this:

The challenging stuff you’re experiencing right now—whether it’s the scary what-if thoughts or the very real, very present now stuff that’s actively happening—it’s not leading you to the path.

It is the path.

This is you, right now, becoming You.

And what you do (or don’t do) is defining you in real time. Right now.

See, there is no “there” to get to.

Like the horizon, it’s a kind of illusion.

It seems like there’s a “there”, because your mind has thought it up and you’re rightly striving toward it.

But life is a flowing current—the destination reveals a continuation of the journey, always. Things happen along the way that you can’t predict. The point I’m making is: you keep going. You keep living your life until you die.

So maybe this is the real question:

Are you living in such a way that you’re never (or rarely) OK with the experience of being You?

Forever “almost but not quite there”?

Are you selling your life out for approval, tribal standing, or fake internet points?

Or… are you getting into the absolute miracle of Being You?

Being with the mystery and the majesty…

The savage and the sublime…

The raw, rugged splendor of Being Alive?

Because it’s ALL a cosmic, feral Unknown. It’s buck wild. And here you are, right now: in it.


It’s kinda wild, don’t you think?

Do you wanna get majestic AF with it?

Becoming The One

The first step is owning what you want out of this one, precious life you get.

I mean really owning it.

Like it’s the most important thing in the universe to reckon with. Because in a way, it is.

Then it’s about doing what you’ve gotta do to make it happen.

What others want for you doesn’t matter. Their narrative of you doesn’t matter. You’ve gotta let all that go.

Hell, the narrative you’ve crafted about yourself up to this point doesn’t even matter. What matters is what you want out of life NOW. And until you own that, and start making bold moves into it, you’ll be a willing prisoner—darkened under the shadow of your own potential.

No one can choose this for you. And the time is now.

Even if it means releasing a comfortable story about who you are.

Even if it means abandoning what you’ve built.

Consider the trade-off. Is it worth it?

If your answer is “yes”, then it’s gonna lead you into some new experiences and ways of interfacing with yourself that feel difficult, uncomfortable, even scary.

And through this: the wonder, the awe, the beauty of life is known.

This is right. This is the natural way.

Nature rewards courage, and requires risk. It’s through struggle and trial that we grow and evolve.

The good news is:

You’ll figure it out as you go. And figuring it out is the whole point.

That’s what all of this is.

So you can start trusting yourself.

And through all of this, you’re creating—in the most conscious, intentional way possible—a fully-realized experience of Being You.

An experience of being ALIVE that’s as epic and awe-inspiring as you want it to be.

Are you catching the magnitude of this? I’m talking about self-actualization. No more asking for permission. No more trading an epic experience of life for the scraps of others’ approval.

Full liberation.

And how do you get moving?

In friendship with yourself.

I’m not talking about vague, fluffy notions of “self love” here. But keeping it simple and just getting into the idea of being your own friend. Recognizing that it’s pretty cool to have your own back, instead of the frequent self-antagonizing.

Just being on your side—physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Letting the experience of being You matter as you navigate the New and Unknown of your life—not later on, once everything finally comes together (which it never will)…

But here and now. Where it counts.

Stay gold. I love you.
See ya next Wednesday.


The One

Entrepreneurship meets personal evolution.

One email, every Wednesday.