The Way Becomes Known

By Daniel Wolfsong

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” –Cynthia Occelli

The One

You’re on an uncertain journey.

And the way is not known.

Your Vision leads you… but it never reveals the full story. And it won’t all go according to your plans.

There will be moments when this frustrates you.
Pains you.
Even disheartens you.

But in all of this, something important—something sacred—is happening.

Rad Future You knows how it all turned out, and this is their message for you:

“I remember how you first imagined the end point of this journey.

The dream that lit you up like the dawn, and the steps you began taking to make the dream real.

Listen closely, my love. It’s not always gonna go the way you thought it would. There will be days when you question yourself, question your dream, and even question Me.

But here’s what I need you to know

This isn’t really about the end point.

Who you’re about to become—who you’re already becoming—is more magnificent than you can imagine.

And that’s what this is really about.

That dream will take root in you and become realized in the most spectacular ways.

Don’t stop when it gets hard.

And know this

What comes next won’t be what you’re expecting… it’ll be so much bigger and more brilliant. It’s gonna change you… and touch the lives of many.”

The Becoming

Let your vision guide you…
But make room for the Mystery.

Do the hard work…
But don’t force it. Flow with it.
Flow with who you are, and trust that.

When the way feels uncertain, and it often will, remember your power to adapt, adjust, and figure it out.

And remember this always:

Everything that unfolds will be exactly what needs to happen:

Because it’s all forging you into The One who is worthy of the realized dream.

So let this journey do its work in you.

This is how the way becomes known.

Stay gold. I love you.
See ya next Wednesday.

There is a time for rest and dreaming.
And a time for awakened action.
Know what time it is for you.

The One

Entrepreneurship meets personal evolution.

One email, every Wednesday.