The Hard Road to Grace

By Daniel Wolfsong

I do not at all understand the mystery of grace… only that it meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it found us.” –Anne Lamott

The One

This journey of building + becoming often feels like ambition.

We’re working on our goals, working on ourselves, and that fire burns within us like a hot, blazing engine: driving us toward the realized dream.

We’ve come to value proving ourselves worthy… but we’re still learning to befriend the parts of ourselves that don’t yet feel worthy.

We’re still learning to give ourselves a break, sometimes.

And this is the hard road to grace.

Future You—The One—has this message for you:

“I wish you could see yourself now, the way I do. The love I have for you. How absolutely brilliant you are in My eyes, just as you are now.

I know the questions in your heart.

The questions about who you are, and what this is all leading to. You’ve been expecting the world from yourself, kiddo. It’s been heavy, I know.

I promise you this:

You won’t get it wrong.

So let yourself travel a little lighter.

Every step, every moment, you’re learning. One day you’ll become Me, and you’ll see just how marvelous you truly were the whole time.

So, give yourself that grace.

Let it wash over our timeline.

And remember who you are.”

The Becoming

Every moment that brings you up against yourself is working in service to your self-actualization:

Giving you the experiences you need, to realize the dream that lives within you. To know the fullness of its glory.

When you feel you’re falling short:

Love yourself just a little bit more.

See that you’re trying.

And let the hard road to grace take you places you didn’t know you needed to be… where you’ll discover something about yourself you once thought impossible.

I’ll meet you there.

Stay gold. I love you.
See ya next Wednesday.

The gift
is not in arriving
but in the miracle of
The Way.

The One

Entrepreneurship meets personal evolution.

One email, every Wednesday.