In Your Own Time

By Daniel Wolfsong

When you have a vision for your life, what seems to stick around in hot blazing focus is all the work yet to be done.

Notice how often you experience the felt sense of this:

The projects yet to complete.
The milestones yet to achieve.
The ways of being yet to be realized.

And colliding into one big mess of overwhelm: the urgency, the impatience, the looming to-do’s, the frustration of “why is this not happening yet”.

Because we want it all done.

But we’re not honoring what would actually get us to done—if only we were flowing with, rather than brute-forcing and rebelling against:

Our nature…
Our wants and needs…
Our creative process…
Systems that work for us…

And the time needed for the results we’re working toward to unfold.

Let’s get honest… how’s that working out?

Becoming The One

The shift here starts with trust:

Trusting that Future You has worked it all out. Trusting that you’ll do what you need to do—in your own time. It doesn’t all have to be done right now.

Importance and priority just have to be established. Movement and momentum just have to be initialized. You can trust what happens from there. You can let there be some joy in your journey.

“Everything’s gonna be alright.”
–Future You

Try this exercise:

Take inventory of your goals and intentions. Write out WHY they’re each important to you. If your Why for any of them isn’t strong enough to drive you to committed action, then it’s not really important to you—get honest about that.

Write out your challenges, too. Problems, obstacles. Get all of this out of your head and onto paper.

And then write out what’s needed:

Specific habits.
Points of inner work.

Prioritize thoughtfully, because remember: it doesn’t all have to be done right now.

It’s OK to build yourself, and your vision, in phases and in seasons.

Start where you are. Start as small as you need to, to create movement and momentum. Adjust course as needed. Honor your nature, your desires, your needs, your creative process, and the systems that work for you.

These may not look like they’re “supposed” to, or like how others are doing it, or like how others are expecting you to do it.

That’s OK.

Because you’re creating, building, growing, healing, and evolving your way.

And good things take time.

Stay gold. I love you.
See ya next Wednesday.

Seeing the journey as linear, regret and frustration abound.
Knowing the journey is cyclical, we continually meet ourselves anew:
with wisdom, with optimism, with grace.


The One

Entrepreneurship meets personal evolution.

One email, every Wednesday.