Go First

By Daniel Wolfsong

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” –John C. Maxwell

The One

There are many wonderful ways we encourage our people to “show up”.

We want them to be courageously authentic. We want them to love themselves, accept themselves, live their highest truth.

We want them to do the hard things that lead them to their most brilliant, fully-realized selves.

Here’s the question to ask yourself:

Are you willing to go first?

In other words… will you be a living, shining example for your people? Will you blaze the trail, and show them what becomes possible when you embody that which you teach?

Will you also recognize the intense journey of healing and growth this presents to you?

Rad Future You has already been on this journey, and here’s what they want you to know:

I remember how scary going first felt, when I was you.

I also remember when you made the choice: that moment when it finally felt real for you, and irresistible, and when you did what you needed to do…

When you opened that door, and walked courageously through it.

How glorious I remember you in that moment, kid. And in the days and years that followed, too.

How glorious you were. And continued being, as you became Me.

What comes next for you—for us—is very important.

I trust you.
Please keep trusting Me, too.

Because I promise you: on this journey of Going First, you’ll get the help and support you need, just when it matters the most.

The way will become known to you.

And you’ll see just how good it gets.

The Becoming

Going First feels vulnerable.
Let this be OK.

Notice what it’s looking like for you: What are you teaching and wanting for others? How does this measure up with what’s true and not-yet-true for you?

How can you take one small, courageous first step into this way of being? How can you be an example of Going First?

Don’t worry about what comes afterward: because you’ll be there for yourself when that time comes, and you’ll know exactly what to do, then.

For now: discover that first step, and take it.

Step more fully into the leader you’re meant to be.

You know it’s time.

Stay gold. I love you.
See ya next Wednesday. ​

In our fear… curiosity.
In our curiosity… awareness.
In our awareness… courage.
And in our courage… love.

The One

Entrepreneurship meets personal evolution.

One email, every Wednesday.