Finding Ease in the Hard

By Daniel Wolfsong

From the outside, building a business looks like a cool adventure:

Look at you, all put together.
Large and in charge.
How do you do it?

Yeah, about that…

Building a business is a cool adventure. But what folks don’t see is what it often feels like on the inside:

What the heck am I doing?
Am I making the right decisions?
Why is this taking so long?

Not to mention the thought drama around creating new offerings, marketing plans, and social media content:

Is this the right direction for me?
How can I know for sure?

All the questions. All the time.

Here’s the good news: this is normal. We all feel it. Entrepreneurship places us out on the edge, and rightly so. This is where the important stuff is conceived and realized. The stuff that uplifts and advances our people, while expanding and fulfilling us as creators.

And here’s the “bad” news: we can’t know anything for sure. Nothing is guaranteed.

This lack of certainty isn’t a flaw, though. And it’s not really a bad thing at all. It’s what catalyzes growth in us. How many people have a dream and actually act on it, through the fear and uncertainty and anxiety-inducing what ifs?

Very few, friend. Very few.

And here’s more good news—and the point of today’s transmission:

While there are gonna be lots of moments when building a business feels hard, there’s a way for a sense of ease to be experienced through the hard. There’s also a way to know when the hard might be a sign that you’re moving in the wrong direction.

Ready to dive in?

Becoming The One

There are 2 keys to reckon with here:

Key #1: Ease doesn’t always mean easy. It just means there’s a sense of flowing with your goal and your nature… there’s a felt Yes. Even when it’s challenging or hard.

Key #2: There are 2 types of hard to discern between. The first type fits the description above. The second type feels like pulling teeth… like you’re squeezing blood from a stone. It feels like you’re chipping away at a diamond wall and getting nowhere. Nothing but stop signs.

When it feels hard, but you also feel that intuitive Yes, that’s a sign you’re on the right track. It means you’re expanding your edges, solving big problems, and pioneering new frontiers.

Let this knowing bring a sense of ease into the challenge. Get OK with the fact that it’s supposed to be challenging: this is what makes the result worth achieving. Let yourself flow with it, because you can do hard things. (Remember this always)

But when it feels hard, like pulling teeth and getting nowhere, it’s worth some examination and self-inquiry.

This might be a sign that you’re going down the wrong track, or simply that your idea needs some revisiting and refining. It might even mean that it’s a good time to pause, take a step back, and wait. Something might be wanting to come through that requires insight you aren’t quite ready for yet.

Listen to your intuition here—which itself might also be part of your personal growth journey.

Are you getting a quiet “no”? Or maybe a quiet “wait”? Really tune in and listen.

Journal Exercise:

When you’re deep in the hard, and it’s getting to you, remember the power of getting it out of your head and onto paper. Try these questions:

  • Does this feel like a heart, mind, body, and soul Yes?
  • What do I need clarity on?
  • How can I get this clarity?
  • What’s really missing here?
  • What happens if I pause and wait?

See if other useful questions come up for you, too.

The answers won’t always be easy. Yet ease can still be experienced—when it’s right for you.

And what’s right for you cannot miss you.

…if only you’re patient enough for it to come through.

Stay gold. I love you.
See ya next Wednesday.

The One

Entrepreneurship meets personal evolution.

One email, every Wednesday.