Combine These 3 Powers

By Daniel Wolfsong

There’s a new zeitgeist on the wind, friend. You feelin’ it?

I know I am. And I know a lot of other folks are, too.

The old tried-n-true ways of online solopreneurship aren’t so true anymore, and what used to work great is falling flat. And let’s be real, a lot of it was boring.

I’m feeling into this new wave and a lot of stuff’s been coming through for me around how I want to build moving forward. There’s a lot of Unknown, but what’s feeling important to me—and maybe to you, too—is that it feels GOOD.

Like heart-aligned good, purpose-aligned good, AND revenue good.

Over the last 4 months I’ve been experimenting with a new approach to brand + marketing, both for myself and with my clients, and the results have been pretty awesome so far.

Today, I’m gonna share a keystone of my philosophy with you so you can try it out for yourself.

Becoming The One

The solopreneurial trap that’s easy to fall into (and get stuck in) is:

“I’m good at it, it’s valuable to others, and I can do it… but it isn’t fulfilling. I’m not having fun, like… ever. Or hardly ever. It feels like a slog most of the time. But this is just how it’s supposed to be, I guess.”

Any of this feelin’ familiar?

I don’t have all the answers for you in this email, but there are 3 powers you already have (yes, they’re in you right now)… and now’s a great time to think about how you can combine them for a rad level-up.

And maybe they’ll even change everything for you. Who knows.

Let’s dive into ’em:

Power #1: What you’re good at, that you enjoy doing, and that’s valuable to others

Starting with the obvious one here, but here’s the twist:

If you’re good at it but you don’t enjoy doing it, or you thought you would but turns out you don’t, what shifts are really required?

Doesn’t have to be a ground-up redesign, though that can be the case.

Sometimes it’s just a matter of making one key change that makes it way more enjoyable.

A revised way of doing it, or niching down to a specific client type, problem, and process (one that’s more aligned with Who You Are and How You Like To Do Things).

Can also be: giving some thought to what you aren’t currently enjoying, and what it’d look like to trim that out and see what’s left.

This might even create some space for something you do wanna do to take its place.

Power #2: Your unique gift

This one might not be so obvious, because somehow we’re really good at seeing what’s amazing about other people but not recognizing what’s amazing about ourselves.

It’s important to bring this into the mix, though.

Because this is precisely what transforms even a common service within a saturated field into something truly special—something that shines like a beacon to your people.

(Remember: your people aren’t “anyone who will pay me”. Your people are those who have some key things in common with you—traits, values, ways of thinking, desired approaches)

A few ways to see your unique gift:

What do you often get complimented on?

What do you highly prize or value about yourself and how you interface with other people and the world? Maybe because it was hard-won through years of darkness and difficulty, or it’s just something you recognize is special about you?

What do you bring to the table of life that’s not so common?

What feels heart-aligned, soul-aligned, part of the unique gift that’s uniquely You that you could bring into the mix of your service offerings in a bold, intentional way?

This is no time to be modest.

Or “humble”.

Recognizing your unique gifts is an act of service and care to your people, y’know.

Power #3: Your fun-loving inner child

Bet you weren’t expecting this one. And I wouldn’t blame you if you rolled your eyes a bit.

And maybe that’s kinda the problem.

What feels FUN for you? What could feel fun for your people, too? How could you start bringing some of that into the mix?

Think back to your childhood days.

What felt like fun, adventure, delight, joy…? And how could you translate some of that into your brand and marketing journey, and the experience you create for your people?

Hope this got some wheels turning.

I’m trying to do something that feels kinda big:

I wanna change the way online entrepreneurship is done. I know I can’t do it alone. I also know others are feeling the call into this as well. Maybe that’s You.

Let’s figure it out together.

Stay gold. I love you.
See ya next Wednesday.


The One

Entrepreneurship meets personal evolution.

One email, every Wednesday.