A Revolution in Entrepreneurship

By Daniel Wolfsong

This is about you, and it’s about me, and it’s about us.

My entrepreneurial journey has taken me deep into my personal evolution this year.

More than ever before.

What I wanna share with you today is an idea in progress, and I’d love to get your thoughts on it.

Because I don’t know where this is leading, or how deep it really goes, but one thing I know for sure is I’m not meant to do it alone. We’re not meant to do it alone as individuals—despite the lone wolf mentality that so often comes with solopreneurship.

Just rock with me here and let’s see what comes through.

Becoming The One

I think we’re all feeling the shift happening in the business landscape.

The old ways of branding, marketing, and selling are deterioriating. We’re all craving a more genuine, human-first experience—both as entrepreneurs and as consumers.

But there’s some confusion around what this actually means, and how to do it, and I dunno about you but I’m also seeing it used as just another strategy—instead of something that could truly change the face of entrepreneurship, and change us as individuals.

The question I’m getting real with:

How can we get past all the boring shit and just lead with heart, fun, connection, and a sense of adventure that leads us into our callings to uplift + bloom the world?

Discover and actualize ourselves along the way?

And make the money we wanna make?

Here’s what’s been coming through for me. Tell me if this resonates with you, and more importantly, think about how you and I have this incredible opportunity right NOW to ride this wave and do something really special.

(I’ll be using “you” language, but know that I’m talkin’ to myself, too):

Quit worrying about your brand and just be a leader who loves people.

Brand is perception. Let it be just that, instead of this rigid container that keeps telling you what you’re allowed and not allowed to do. Loosen the “but my brand” and “but my marketing” narrative that’s become a too-tight collar around your neck.

Lead with your ideas, your insights, your love + care for folks.

Make it FUN.

Lean into what excites you, thrills you, leaves you in awe of yourself and what you’re doing. Build with a sense of making it fun. Offers, marketing, social media… it’s all become so flippin’ boring and it doesn’t have to be.

When did you fall out of love with your business?

How can you make it a secret love affair once again? And do it ALL in ways that actually feel fun, instead of obligatory and serious and “gotta follow the rules someone else invented because that’s supposedly safe”.

What would taking more risks look like?

Bring your work out into the open.

How much of the power and experience of your work are you hiding behind a paid encounter?

Are you just dribbling out the true, awesome, value-rich experience of You, hoping it’ll get attention and make folks wanna work with you?

Let ‘er rip. Let it out. Give freely, almost until it hurts.

This is how we learn to trust what our people need, and trust what we really have to offer them.

Less convincing folks.
Less “here’s why you should work with me”.

More “if this rocked your world, just imagine what our paid 1:1 work could be… and if working together isn’t in the cards for us, that’s cool too, let what I’m giving for free serve you.”

Do you trust yourself and the value you offer?

Do you trust your people to know, and honor, what they need?

Build alliances.

We keep trying to do this alone, don’t we.

What if we didn’t? At least not as much.

I’m gonna open this up for the next few weeks and see what happens:

Let’s get on a call, and just talk about what’s coming up and coming through—individually, collectively, whatever.

Let’s talk ideas and obstacles. Let’s just connect + vibe as humans, without expectation, and see where a conversation takes us.

I’m taking more risks, leading more with my heart.

Wanna do it together?

Stay gold. I love you.
See ya next Wednesday.


The One

Entrepreneurship meets personal evolution.

One email, every Wednesday.